I am an energy sensitive person & I LOVE the healing world and sharing my knowledge of it. This blog is a place for all to come to learn about healing, essential oils, and everything in between!
Monday, July 30, 2012
12 Laws of Karma
Just as the "Law of Gravity" always
works to pull things toward the Earth, these "Laws of Karma" apply to
all equally, no exceptions. The universe is neutral: there are no favorite
ones, there are no cursed ones, there are only divine beings created by God and
all these divine beings are loved by God equally, deeply, and completely.
The most terrible truth that anyone will ever
learn while they are on Earth is… that they agreed to come here and to
experience all that has, is, and will happen to them. The universe operates
under this simple rule: all that happens is by prior agreement based on karmic
justice between all the parties involved.
We are born to learn what is right and what is
wrong and to act on these beliefs. In the worlds of duality, we learn from
experiencing polar opposites: "good-bad",
"problem-solution", etc. until we evolve into higher levels of consciousness;
learn divine love, joy, and awareness. We walk the divine circle - where there
is no saint without a past and no sinner without a future - until we learn our
What you have done unto others in your life
(cause), weaves the karmic agreement of your present and future (effect).
Consciously acting from loving kindness to yourself and others instantly
reweaves the present and future karmic agreements into greater pathways of
empowerment and opportunities.
The point of learning lessons is to achieve
balance. What you bring hate to, you are presented with, this is how balance is
achieved: For you can only truly understand a thing when you become that thing
and cease to judge it, cherish unloving opinions, or harbor unrealistic
expectations about it. When we become ill we aren’t to curse it or hate it that
only feeds the negative energy, we are to learn from it, thank the pain and
illness for getting our attention and helping us to correct our imbalances.
Your consistently repeated thoughts packed with
your consistently felt emotions become magnetized and attract similar thoughts
packed with emotions to manifest
your desires into reality. Whatever thoughts and emotions you focus on the most
- with the most intensity and the most time - whether intentionally or unintentionally
becomes your belief-karma. The more you invest in them with your focus, the
stronger they become. Your belief-karma generates your thoughts, forms your
attitudes, guides your actions, and creates your results. You attract what you
invest your time and emotions into.
You connect with the people, opportunities, and
events necessary to manifest your desires if you allow, believe, and expect it
will happen for you. Allowing means you open yourself to let manifestation flow
to you by believing what you need to manifest your desires will come to you and
by expecting if-when you take consistent and appropriate actions your desires
will manifest into reality as you have asked.
Since everything in the universe is energy, the
universe is always expanding from lower to higher vibrational states. Change
and growth are inevitable because energy is always expanding. The universe
expands through chaos, reorganization, and order in an endless cycle of change
and growth to create continuous improvement.
Your internal map of reality is always changing
to reflect your personal state of learning and growth. Your map of reality is
always being refined into greater levels of truth as your consciousness
unfolds. Unfoldment is a gradual process so that you can learn life lessons at
your own pace as your life progresses.
If you "let whatever happens be ok",
you are accepting the "default" pattern of karma. Empowerment comes
from a conscious decision to take control of karma by accepting absolute and
total responsibility for your life and by always consciously acting with loving
There is no end to the joy you can experience or
to what you can create. For all the power to get what you want comes from
within you. Every moment brings with it new possibilities and opportunities for
action. Whatever you can dream, you
can do, be, or have in the universe of all possibilities... this is your
birthright as a God’s child.
Karma begins and ends with love. Karma was
created as Universal Law to propel your Soul forward on a personal journey of learning
and a journey of refinement to help you become the person you choose to become.
Karma ends when you have perfected yourself in your ability to love
unconditionally. The sole purpose of karma and this life is to bring us all to
a state of divine love, joy, and awareness.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Translating “Different” into the “Norm”
Here is where it all starts to come together!
First off, I’d like to point out that what
may seem odd or foreign to us is usually merely different and new. The point of these writings is to help bring in
these “New Age” concepts of alternative medicine and healing to mainstream society. Important principles we need to understand:
- § In order to heal ourselves and become more whole we must look at every aspect of our self (body, mind, spirit, heart.
- § Everything is energy and the higher your energy vibrates the better health and happiness you can enjoy. This frequency can be measured in Hertz.
- § The normal healthy range of the human body is 62-68 Hertz. At this level and above, nobody has any ailments at all.
- § Everyone who has a common cold has a cellular frequency of 58Hz or less; for flu we vibrate at 57 Hz or less; candida symptoms began to appear at 55 Hz, for Epstein Barr virus it was 52 Hz.
- § Everyone measured who has some form of cancer has a cellular frequency of 42 Hz or less.
- § Clearly, high frequency cells correspond with better health and ideally everyone should strive for a frequency of at least 62 Hz.
- § The goal to becoming more enlightened is to raise this frequency.
Your Personal Vibometer
for Total Wellness
Cellular frequency method is a valuable aid to monitoring
progress in physical healing, but doesn’t give any indication of mental/emotional
healing, which is essential for lasting results. The Hawkins scale is a good
guide to a person’s level of consciousness or enlightenment, but still doesn’t
provide a picture of total wellness, and leaves itself open to ego-centric
comparisons: “I’m more spiritual than you.”
Both of the previous methods have their values and can be
used in a practical way to monitor progress towards health and personal
development goals, but to get a clear picture of total wellness, we would need
to track a person’s progress on all levels of being – physical, mental/emotional
and spiritual.
Of course, everyone will be able to achieve differing levels
of health and enlightenment in this lifetime, even if theoretically total
health and enlightenment are available to all who seek it. Therefore the
indicator is personal. We determine where each individual is on a scale of 1 to
100 currently, where 1 is the lowest possible point in this lifetime and 100 is
the highest.
This removes the potential for competition and as everyone
has set themselves up for different life challenges and potentials, there is no
judgment on where a person scores on the indicator – it is just that, an
indicator of where you are now that allows you to track progress over time. You
could be at a lower starting point then someone else, but that doesn’t indicate
a lower level of enlightenment, although it does indicate a higher potential
for growth.
My goal is to move clients up the indicator as far as
possible using modalities designed for the purpose, and empower them to take
responsibility for their own wellness development thereafter.
It is an indicator of total wellness because it combines a
person’s health, spiritual development and personal goals into a single value.
We can then easily determine what steps to take to increase a person’s wellness
to their maximum personal potential.
Why Hi-vibe?
The advantages of a hi-vibe life are immense and moving the
needle only a few points on your vibometer can bring enormous benefits.
Physical healing is an obvious one. As I said at the beginning – disease cannot
exist in high vibration tissue.
Mental/emotional healing is another. Finding forgiveness,
learning gratitude, healing phobias and addictions are all characteristics of a
hi-vibe living. Spiritual growth is also enhanced, with clients experiencing a
deeper connection with the source, leading to a greater sense of peace and well-being.
Healing and seer abilities are enhanced, including
communication with spiritual helpers or guides, recognition of synchronicity
opportunities and manifesting. It is possible, therefore to realize benefits on
all levels, including the proverbial health, wealth and happiness.
Metaphysicians understand that we create our own reality. As
everything is connected and human thought creates on the etheric plane things
that can be manifested into the physical world, by holding the right intention
and with the right attitude we can co-create our ideal life.
Having a higher vibration increases the manifesting power on
all levels.
What’s Keeping You Down?
The first step to raising your vibration is to remove from
your life the things that might be keeping it lower than it could be. Obvious
things include dietary choices, such as sugar, artificial sweeteners and
coffee. In The Essential Beginnings, Gary Young describes an experiment that
shows coffee can instantly reduce cellular frequency by around 10Hz.
The “universal test” for applied kinesiology (muscle
testing) is saccharine. In an experiment by the University of Applied
Kinesiology in Minnesota, USA, people from all walks of life, ethnicities and
geographies tested weak with saccharine.
Similarly, processed or “dead” foods generally test weak. If
it comes in a packet or can, it probably won’t do much for you.
Lifestyle choices can have an effect and stress can have a
particularly strong effect on your vibration. Extreme stress can trigger
Chronic Reversed Polarity or being “switched.” A switched person’s vibration
will be severely constrained but, the condition is thankfully fairly
straightforward to heal.
Entrapped emotions will also hold vibration down,
particularly anxiety, depression, phobias and addictions. There are several
methods for releasing these and allowing vibration to rise.
Exposure to negative energy, such as toxins in food and household
items, microwaved foods, and electromagnetic energies, such as those emitted by
cellular phones and electrical appliances. Gary Young determined that
electrical appliances have a frequency range of around 60Hz, lower than is
healthy for humans, and that their alternating currents are detrimental.
Clearly it will be difficult to live in the modern world and avoid all of
these, but strategies for limiting exposure can be highly beneficial.
People who are hard-hearted, that is hold consistent
negative thoughts towards others, tend to have a lower vibration, as do those
to avoid or resent human contact. Trying to avoid retreating into a solitary,
uncaring existence is important to making progress on your vibometer.
One of the biggest contributors to a low-vibe body that we
have seen is Chronic Reversed Polarity, which is why a significant part of our
practice is dedicated to healing it.
How to Keep It Up
What you put in your body and what you expose your body to
are critical to vibration. Fill your body with hi-vibe nutrition and you will
have a hi-vibe body.
Eating food as close to its natural state as possible,
meaning fresh, preferably organic, and containing abundant “life force,” will
help raise vibration. Frozen and dried is OK too, though not quite as good
obviously. Maintaining proper pH balance by eating 80% alkaline and 20% acid
contributes greatly.
Different choices are beneficial for different people so it
is important to identify the best dietary requirements for your individual
It is difficult in the modern world to find foods that
contain all of the nutrients a body would need, so supplements are often
needed. Choosing hi-vibe supplements, such as spirulina, the highest vibration
foodstuff on the planet, and chlorella will help. Green drinks often include
these and a host of other herbs and vitamins to provide complete nutritional
Other activities like energy work, including Reiki, and
meditation can help raise vibration. Things like reflexology, aromatherapy and
massage test strong for most people and can have a very beneficial effect.
Getting out into nature regularly, be it the sea, lakes, forests, mountains or
just your Local Park or botanical garden, is an important contributor.
Regular moderate exercise, such as walking briskly for 30
minutes five times a week will help keep the lymphatic system moving, aid bowel
function and shift stagnating lo-vibe energies from the body
One of the most effective methods of maintaining high vibration
is attitude. The universal law of attraction assures that each of us brings to
us whatever we put out, so positive people will attract more things to be
positive about.
Caring and sharing for your family, friends, and pets and
having compassion for everyone is a sure-fire vibration raiser. Make time for
social activities
Sometimes entrapped emotions, including phobias, addictions
and anxiety prevent or hinder a positive mindset, and releasing these with
mind/body modalities have had profound
effects on people’s emotional well-being as well as their vibration.
Polarity balancing, if you have Chronic Reversed Polarity, balancing is essential. Email me for assistance or more information on this!
Making the right choices
I aim to empower people to create their own health and
happiness, recognizing that they and only they are responsible for it.
By establishing your current vibration and the potential
that can be achieved in this lifetime, then identifying which methods would be
most effective in raising it and applying them will deliver greater benefits
than most of us can imagine. These include powerful physical healing,
mental/emotional healing and spiritual growth.
The table below provides a summary of hi-vibe and low-vibe
factors. Everyone can live the ideal way in today’s hurried up, mechanized
world, choosing more from the left column and fewer from the right column will
help you be well on your way to enjoying the benefits of a hi-vibe life.
Polarity Balancing
Chronic Reversed Polarity
Releasing Entrapped Emotions
Phobias, addictions, anxiety
Fresh, organic food
"Dead" food
Caring, socializing
Retreating, hard-heartedness
Hi-vibe supplements
Sugars, sweeteners
Herbal Teas
Pure or filtered water
Energy work, nature
Exposure to EMF
Regular moderate exercise
Couch potato
Positive Attitude
Negative Attitude
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
"God" is the Sum Total of Universal Energy
Many people debate about whether there is a God, or what God
is. Is God an individual personality,
sitting up in heaven listening to and granting our requests, or is God simply
all the energy that exists in the whole universe, or is God simply nature or
the laws of nature?
The Bible says God is a spirit (John 4:24). It also says that the spirit, given by God,
is what gives man understanding (Job 32:8).
And finally, it says that God is light (I John 1:5).
It is important to understand that ancient man described God
with an ancient vocabulary and ancient idea sets, but that we can breathe new
life into these verses by understanding what was really being said.
What is light? It's
energy. When a person is brain dead, no
electrical activity registers on a EEG test.
Why? Because his spirit, which is
what brings life to the body and understanding to the mind, is electrical
energy. And when the spirit leaves the
body, the body dies because the electrical energy which powered the body is no
longer present. God is light, so he is
energy, and both God and we are spirit beings.
So God, and light, and energy, and the essence of each of us as spirit
beings, is all the same. We are all made
up of the same physical and spiritual essence:
Everything that exists in the universe is made up of
energy. Every atom has electrons,
sub-atomic particles containing an electrical charge, which orbit around the
atom's nucleus. Every atom has
energy. True, some atoms have more
energy than others; some have more electrons orbiting their nucleus than
others, and some are moving faster than others.
The energy in a piece of wood is moving very slow compared to the energy
in a pan of boiling water, but both contain the same kind of energy. Energy is simply arranged in different patterns in order to make up different people, substances, etc.. But we are still made out of the same energy.
There is a scientific law that states that energy cannot be
created or destroyed, it simply changes form (conservation of energy). To be more precise, it states that in a
closed system (our universe, for the purposes of our discussion) energy is
conserved. In other words, all the
energy that ever existed, that was present at the beginning, still exists. God, who is all energy, in the beginning took
from his own energy to make everything that exists. Biblical scholars have made much of the
original language of Genesis 1:1 saying that the word "created" means
"ex nihilo" or "out of nothing". In other words, God made everything from
nothing. We must understand that
biblical writers used their own limited vocabulary and knowledge of science to
explain what they thought they saw or were told. The fact that the universe may have
"appeared" out of nowhere does not mean it was created from nothing. Many forms of energy cannot be seen. Since God is energy, and we know that
everything that exists is made from energy, and keeping in mind that energy
cannot be created or destroyed, we see that God took from the pool of existing
energy, which was HIM, and created everything there is. Therefore, not only are the atoms and
molecules and sub-atomic particles in a blade of grass made by God, they are
part of God himself. God took of his
energy, and changed the appearance of some of it so that it looks different. But it is still a part of him, just as our hearts
and livers are part of us. So every
blade of grass, every raindrop, every animal, every human being, every
biological microorganism, every molecule of wood that forms the chair you are
sitting on is GOD. Not just part of God,
but IS God. Everything is sacred,
because everything is made from the energy that is God. This takes away the dividing line between
secular and sacred.
How can I say that?
You might be thinking that to say everything is PART of God is
understandable, but to say that everything IS GOD....how can that be? Because scientists have discovered that every
particle of matter and energy that exists resonates on a particular frequency,
and that every single particle is connected to and responds to every other
particle through these frequencies.
Everything is connected, part of the same whole and part of the same connected
communication system.
Let's put it in more concrete terms. A cell, or molecule, or atom on one side of
the world, say in the United States, can communicate with any other cell,
molecule or atom on the other side of the world, say in China, because they are
able to signal each other with oscillating frequencies, and this communication
happens non-locally and virtually instantaneously. It's like what happens with a radio. There are lots of frequencies out there with
people talking on them, or music playing, and all you have to do is tune the
dial of the radio to different frequencies to pick them up. Then if you have a transmitter you can talk
back to them. That is what our atoms,
molecules and cells do. They tune into
whatever frequency they have to in order to communicate with other cells all
over the world or the universe, in order to accomplish whatever goal they need
to accomplish.
Now, people can usually accept the idea that the cells,
molecules and atoms in their BODIES communicate with each other so that the
body can function the way it's supposed to.
The body is a closed system, just like the universe. Just as all the particles in your body
communicate so the body can function efficiently; all the particles in the
universe do the same. They are all
connected. Like one huge body. God's body.
Basically, all energy is God, and there is no such thing as
someone being "separated from God".
God cannot be separated from his own body. Just as we would if we were sick, God does
whatever is necessary to bring the parts of his body that are energetically out
of alignment back into their proper relationship to him. If a part of our body isn't functioning
correctly because it's frequency is wrong, correcting the frequency disparity
often heals the ailment. For instance,
all the cells in the human heart must beat at the same time for the heart to function
properly. If some of the cells are
firing at the wrong time, the person will have a heart attack or some other
serious cardiac condition. But there are
techniques to help get all the energy of those cells aligned again so the
person can be healed. It is the same for
God and his relationship to us.
Everything in the universe is set up to be self-correcting, including
our relationship with him. Everything,
from our health, to our finances, to air pollution, to foreign relations, to
the movement of the stars and planets....everything is connected,
self-correcting, but still within our ability to influence the outcome. Just as God "thought" the whole
world into existence, we also can change the course of events by altering the
oscillating frequencies which make communications within this system possible,
through our thoughts, beliefs, and feelings.
God, who is pure energy, makes all this possible. He set up this network which makes the whole
thing happen. The whole universe
consists of energy, but it is the intelligent, organized pattern and
interaction of this energy which makes it Divine. There is no such thing as chaos, no such
thing as randomness....for everything that occurs is caused by some disturbance
in the oscillating frequencies somewhere in the world or universe, and it is
caused by somebody or something. Either
God, or you, or me, or some other organism or thing causes changes in the
frequencies which regulate matter and energy, and change happens.
How can we say everything is part of God, and in fact IS
God? Because every molecule, atom and
particle that exists is connected by this energetic framework of oscillating
frequencies which makes communication between each part possible. All molecules, cells, atoms and particles are
connected to each other at every moment, and influence each others'
activities. Its one big system designed
to work together. My brain can
communicate with yours, and your brain can communicate with your cat's; my
brain can communicate with the cells of my body so they are led to heal themselves,
and your brain can help direct healing energy to the bodies of other people who
need healing. God uses this same
energetic system to communicate to our brains, to our cells, to the raindrops
which make up a thunderstorm, to anything.
It's the reason why the stars and planets and their
electromagnetic fields DO influence our thoughts, feelings and behavior. Astrology is NOT just some flaky New Age
thing. And psychic ability does in fact
exist; that's what it's talking about in the Bible when it speaks of spiritual
gifts like the gift of Prophecy, or Wisdom, or Knowledge. And the gifts of Healing or Miracles are
simply examples of the ability to transmute this energetic framework of
oscillating frequencies so that you can direct it to do what you want. And the spirits of the dead, which are simply
the sum total of that person's energetic essence, do exist in another dimension
and can communicate with us, and we with them, if we learn how to tune the dial
to their frequency. This puts everything
supernatural finally and very definitely in the natural, physical realm. Everything we thought was miraculous and not
humanly possible IS possible. Christians
learned to direct their energies through prayer. Some people learned to direct their energies
through meditations and visualizations.
It's all a transmutation of the same power grid. One way of altering this grid it is not better than
another. It all works only because the
user directs his focus and energy toward a particular end or goal. Thus the power grid or unified field is set
up so that when we direct our energy, our thoughts and beliefs, our feelings,
toward a particular end or goal, it happens.
Whatever technique we use to direct this energy, it doesn't
matter. What does matter is that we
learn the power of our thoughts, feelings and beliefs. God is Love because love is one of the most powerful
tools at our disposal to redirect this energy.
When Love is the reason we direct our energy through our thoughts toward
a particular goal, that is one of the most powerful energy there is, and that goal
will come to fruition.
All things work together for good to them that love God.....Romans 8:28. We may not understand how, but it is always
true regardless of our understanding. We can be confident it is true
because everything is part of God and IS God, so there are no mistakes, nor can their be.
Copyright 2003-12
Judie C. McMath and The Center for Unhindered Living
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Services Offered
Integration & Energy Healing Services
Emotional Release Processing $60
Revisit Release Renew
In this form of processing we go back to the age at which
the root of a problem or when a specific issue was created and we heal it from
there. From there I help you decide on a new belief system or way of being,
therefore releasing you of being held a victim of your past self or beliefs
that no longer serve you.
Complete Healing Priority $25
your life
I muscle test an extensive amount of information on current
physical, emotional, mental, generational, energetic and spiritual imbalances
as well as priorities. This
process is typically done remotely. To request a process simply list as many of
the current issues and information regarding your current situation as you can
in an email. I then test your priority for you and send it back to you with an
Pranic Healing $45
Clearing/Chakra Balancing
Pranic Healing is a highly evolved and tested system of
energy medicine that utilizes prana to balance, harmonize and transform the
body’s energy processes. This invisible bio-energy or “vital” energy keeps the
body alive and maintains a state of good health. A healer can draw in this
energy from their surroundings and direct it to address physical and emotional
Trauma Evidence Clearing $50
Victim Imprints
In this process we address trauma and abuse head on. We
pinpoint the aspects of the Self that were afflicted by these experiences and
go through a thorough protocol in which we clear dark/abuse energies, heal the
Auric layers, Chakras, Protective boundaries and all other affected aspects
including the physical, emotional, spiritual and energetic layers.
Tapping into the Greater Needs of the Self through Muscle Testing!
Muscle Response Testing is a quick and simple way in which
we can access information from the body/subconscious for our healing. It allows us to bypass the conscious mind by
tapping into a much deeper source of wisdom and information. Through the muscle test we can see with our
own eyes that some things have a positive influence on us, while others drain
our life energy. A simple muscle test
can help you to see if you are aligned between your heart and your mind in a
goal. It can help you listen to the needs of your body and spirit. This powerful tool can greatly help us in
developing personal awareness and growing in our sensitivity.
Muscle testing is a tool used to bring us more in harmony
with our body, spirit, and our gift of intuition. Kinesiology is a wonderful tool for assisting
us in deciphering needs. For instance
the need for more water or the need for less salt in the diet are things we
could discover through the test. We
could use muscle testing to see what products are good to take into our body. Muscle testing can help you learn whether an
issue is rooted in the body or in the emotions.
You may use muscle testing to help you understand what you are feeling
for example, “this is anger, sadness, fear etc.” some other examples of thing
that you can test are:
*How many hours of sleep you need at night.
*What foods are good for you, or not good for you?
*Whether your heart and mind are in alignment
*What your top priorities are for healing and balance
While we should not allow the muscle test to run our lives,
it is important to follow through with the answers received. If we ignore what out body has asked us to do
we may grow out of integrity with ourselves.
In this state of “disharmony” it is more difficult to hear our physical,
emotional, and spiritual needs. On the other
hand if we act on the information we have received we can develop trust in the
relationship with ourselves. It is through
developing integrity with ourselves and with God that we find health, happiness
and prosperity in our lives.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
What are we made up of?
There are many different aspects of the self, the Heart,
Body, Mind and Spirit. When healing and
trying to connect into our true selves it is important to recognize and
acknowledge every aspect of our being.
Plato once said, “The greatest mistake in the treatment of
diseases is that there are physicians for the body and physicians for the soul
… although the two cannot be separated”. Throughout history, and in our
collective clinical experience, we’ve seen countless “suffering” individuals
turning to their higher power. For many of us turning to a higher power is the
FIRST thing and the LAST thing we do when we are in pain. What’s interesting is
that this connection between spirituality and pain is often overlooked by
medical & psychological practitioners, who consider spirituality to be out
of their scope of practice.
Whether we are aware of it or not we have moved forward, we
are progressing into a bio psychosocial-spiritual framework. This new paradigm: includes & encompasses
all applicable domains that we have: physical, biological, psychological,
social and spiritual.
I love that Plato said that because it shows these aren't actually new principle or concepts rather proven concepts that have merely been forgotten. He also said "that as you ought not to attempt to cure the eyes without
the head, or the head without the body, so neither ought you to attempt to cure
the body without the soul; and this,' he said, 'is the reason why the cure of
many diseases is unknown to the physicians, because they are ignorant
of the whole, which ought to be studied also; for the part can never be well
unless the whole is well.
We must heal and work on every aspect of ourselves in order to master the person we are and hope to become and gain true control over our lives. This is part of the secret to happiness. To live as a whole and to let thine eye be single.
What does it mean to be a Highly Sensitive Being/Person?
Above: A Kirlian photograph of a hand. Kirlian photography refer to photographic techniques used to capture the the energy a person gives off.
A highly sensitive person (HSP) is a person having the
innate trait of high psychological sensitivity.
About 15-20% of humans and higher animals have a nervous system that is
more sensitive to subtleties. This means that regular sensory information is
processed and analyzed to a greater extent, which contributes to creativity,
intuition, sensing implications and attention to detail.
Sensitive People are usually quite gifted intuitive spirits as
they pick up the less perceived sensations of life. Sensitives are able to pick up on the energy a person gives off, to physically see it sometimes as well. Reading this energy allows them to perceive what others may be feeling or experiencing at any given time.When you are a sensitive, you feel energies much stronger than other people. This means that you may know what others are thinking or feeling. Not only would you know this but you can
actually take on those feelings and make them your own. So if you are in a
happy mood and meet someone who is depressed, you can then become depressed as
well and not even know why you are feeling that way. Being a sensitive can
truly impact every aspect of your life.This sensitivity affects many aspects of your life such
as your relationships with people, your career choice, your love life, your
fears and more. When a Sensitive
receives training and learns to manage these emotions they are able to offer
these profound gifts of theirs to others, acting as guides and spiritual
counselors. These are the tender souls
sent to earth to heal our world and the wounded spirits on it.
I have learned and continue to learn techniques and skills that allow me to alter and transmute these energies helping others to receive greater amounts of healing, clarity and come into their true self and purpose in this life.
I have learned and continue to learn techniques and skills that allow me to alter and transmute these energies helping others to receive greater amounts of healing, clarity and come into their true self and purpose in this life.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
It's never been the easiest thing for me to open up as a person to other people. I quite frankly dread it above almost all else. There is no exaggeration in that statement. Since as long as I can remember me being vulnerable equalled me being exploited. No one ever protects your secrets, they want to know them to pass them on. Hardly anyone has your best interest at heart and most of my miseries and sorrows were merely entertainment for the perfect stranger. I don't believe this is every ones experience but it has been mine...
Living a life with a protective shell isn't much of a life either though. I've tried that too. I have looked into any loop hole I could find, any exception that may exist where I could possibly have meaningful relationships built on anything but truth. The kind of truth that even I am scared to admit at times. Like telling someone that I don't know if I will be okay that day, letting them know the invincible Trina does feel too, that I can't always brush things off, I'm exhausted from keeping up so many walls because I am scared to death that the next person will do so much damage that I won't be able to come back from it. I am so used to isolation on so many levels because I know most if not all people cannot understand what my life has looked like that it would freak them out sooner than it would be a reason to be my friend. Not to complain about my life but it is hard when your experiences isolate you from society because of their extremes. To have lived in so much pain and not be able to tell anyone about it is a cross no one should have to bear.
Let alone dating, living a life along side someone seems to become damn near impossible. Not that they can't love me for who I am but I am not sure I am even capable of letting them know me all the way. No one has been let in for so long, I don't believe I even have the knowledge or capacity to do it. I lay awake at night and wonder about this. I think of ways to be open and vulnerable, to allow others in. I haven't known a way to do it. I came to the solution a few months ago, that I need to tell my story. Not just for others but for myself. It's the only way I feel I can be free of my past and live any sort of meaningful life now. It's far easier than it sounds, I've learned that much. but, I'm doing it and it's liberating and everyday I feel like I claim a part of me back that I haven't had in a long time. I think it will help me feel whole again, I'm hoping for that anyway.
Living a life with a protective shell isn't much of a life either though. I've tried that too. I have looked into any loop hole I could find, any exception that may exist where I could possibly have meaningful relationships built on anything but truth. The kind of truth that even I am scared to admit at times. Like telling someone that I don't know if I will be okay that day, letting them know the invincible Trina does feel too, that I can't always brush things off, I'm exhausted from keeping up so many walls because I am scared to death that the next person will do so much damage that I won't be able to come back from it. I am so used to isolation on so many levels because I know most if not all people cannot understand what my life has looked like that it would freak them out sooner than it would be a reason to be my friend. Not to complain about my life but it is hard when your experiences isolate you from society because of their extremes. To have lived in so much pain and not be able to tell anyone about it is a cross no one should have to bear.
Let alone dating, living a life along side someone seems to become damn near impossible. Not that they can't love me for who I am but I am not sure I am even capable of letting them know me all the way. No one has been let in for so long, I don't believe I even have the knowledge or capacity to do it. I lay awake at night and wonder about this. I think of ways to be open and vulnerable, to allow others in. I haven't known a way to do it. I came to the solution a few months ago, that I need to tell my story. Not just for others but for myself. It's the only way I feel I can be free of my past and live any sort of meaningful life now. It's far easier than it sounds, I've learned that much. but, I'm doing it and it's liberating and everyday I feel like I claim a part of me back that I haven't had in a long time. I think it will help me feel whole again, I'm hoping for that anyway.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
A Fascinating Deviation from the Abnormal!
I left life for a time to heal, now I am getting back into it. To say this has been difficult is an understatement, it is my Everest. I love being back in touch with friends, people I love and integrating my story with our society, I am saddened to return with a truer set of eyes that allow me to see more for what it is.
Over the last few months I have been delighted to see light, beauty and life in abundance all around me to see it in the eyes of so many I come in contact with. I find irrefutable that this world was made by God and we are all blessed to be a part of it however, if this is so evident then why is it taken for granted by many and treated disrespectfully by most. I would rather focus on the positive I see but I am not trying to censor myself or the world for that matter. What is, simply is. No need to contort it or dress it up differently. So I say it how it is and as grateful as I am to have had wonderful experiences lately I have also had not so wonderful experiences lately.
It amazes me the amount of disrespect I see people have towards themselves and those around them. Our job in life is to learn to be around people, to work with them and as group to become something amazing! In order to do this we must start with ourselves, if we are striving and moving towards being the most outstanding being we are capable of becoming then by doing our own part we are contributing to the greater good of humanity.
Imagine a world where our entire energy as a whole was focused on making this a better place. Sounds cheesy, I know. Really though, instead of constantly fighting, competing with and threatening our surrounding countries we became allies, put all our time, energy and money into creating successful relationships where we all helped eachother get ahead. So much of our resources go to remembering the past, hodling grudges, seeking revenge, justice and power over other countires. What if we were freed from those chains? What would the world be like? What would our future as a world look like? Think big, think global. No one economy needs to fail in order for another to be great and in fact if every economy was doing well wouldn't it make sense we would all benefit from it even more than if only one is succeeding?
This may sound impossible to you or unlikely and you decide if that is the case. How would this even be attempted? The same way anything is, it starts with you... You decided if you are going to dispaly these behaviours in your life, if you would rather hold onto a grudge, gossip, tear other ideas and people down to get yourself ahead. As long as this is happening on a small level you can never hope to become anything great because you aren't even giving it all your energy. It only hurts you in the end, not the people you hold a grudge against. That's the funny thing about it, it's typically the one that dishes it out that falls behind not the one they are attempting to destroy. This is how it looks on a smaller scale as well as on a large scale, as long as your petty you'll pay for it.
What the world could look like vs. what we will allow it to look like are two very different things!!! It's our choice...
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Where I've been for the past 6 months!
Well, it is no secret that I have gone through some incredible changes recently. More like I completely changed every single thing in my life. Life wasn't working for me and hadn't been for a while, I got to my rock bottom as you can see, or read in my earlier posts. I nearly died so, when I got out of the hospital I went to my mom and told her something had to change. I wasn't happy, I wasn't well and I didn't know if it was even possible but I have to try. It was my rock bottom, I was willing to do anything.
We looked at treatment facilities, only problem, I didn't have a drug or alcohol problem so I didn't need a rehab or twelve step program. I have been through an enormous amount of trauma and it was haunting me, it had been for years and rather than trying to outrun the flames I wanted to face them. The running, the haunting it all needed to stop. So she had an idea, what if she facilitated a program for me! She isn't a shrink or doctor, don't worry she simply made the appointments and found the professionals and then made sure my days were wholesome and I was in a supported environment. I handed over my phone, car, internet, copmuters everything. I was cut off for a minimum of 60 days.
Another aspect of it all was I needed to try a different way of going about healing. I have gone to more therapists over the last ten years than I would care to admit. I was on 7 different medications and it wasn't working. I went nowhere. So, I was open to anything! We decided to go a more holistic route, the scientific way failed so it only made sense to try the natural route at this point. I went to energy workers, facilitators that worked with the Mind, Body, Soul and Spirit. The belief is in order to heal ourselves we must heal all aspects of ourselves in order to make us whole.
Outside of rigorous healing sessions that btw were more challenging than anything I have ever done in my life, my mother decided I needed a break, rest. She also set up time where I learned to enjoy life, to have fun. We went on long walks together, went to art galleries, I painted, we played in the sun and enjoyed life. I detoxed my body, I got ionic cleanses, massages and Jin Shin Jyutsu to support the emotional work I was doing. I went to church and watched uplifting old movies to feed the spirit, I read classics to feed the mind, and I spent time with family to feed my soul. I went off all of my medications too. It felt sooo good, they made me foggy and things became clear :).
I learned the true way to heal is to go through our darkness, to love our whole selves completely with all that comes with. I learned to forgive, to accept and never judge, to go with the flow of life and it's incredible. I decided to continue on, so after the 60 days were over I treated the next 3 months as a time to put it into practice. My main priority was healing still but I got my phone back, I was allowed to drive places alone, to feel like I was a grown up again :).
I have been mastering my gifts and principles learned. I have been in solitude, serenity and been careful to carry it over into my life now, to adjust. I am a new person, a different person. I left behind the past, it is where it belongs, the past. I am liberated, free of old patterns, lies, belief systems that never served me. I live life consciously and aware and I love it!!! I have the ability to really love everyone, to have deeper meaningful relationships. I life a very meaningful life, I am living! It's a beautiful thing.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
The "Win-Win" Lifestyle
Something interesting to me is the perception many people have as well as society is that in order for one to thrive one must go without. If someone is to be rich, or wealthy, then another must be needy and poor. The thought that in order to win there must be losers. It is quite odd actually, at least I think so. Why have we decided that we can't all have peace, harmony, love, abundance, wealth? It is possible. Just because it isn't so doesn't mean it can't be.
I find it happening all around me, constantly. I laugh at it now, even though it isn't a laughing matter. I have learned to take myself out of the race to rankings. How? If I run a marathon, then great I did it! That is all that I care about, where I took place doesn't matter because I reached my goal. No one had to not run the marathon in order for me to win it, that is silly. For whatever reason, we've decided as a culture that it isn't enough to simply do, to take risks, to push ourselves. It's true. We've decided that we must win and someone lose in order to truly "win". This is one of the larger lies we've bought into.
In my land, if a million people set out to run a marathon and we all did it, we all just "won". We all achieved what we had set out to do. That is enough, that is more than enough. Deciding who did it the best, the fastest or the prettiest is just petty. It does matter that people put in the effort but why does it matter who finishes first? Another example, a big one, in order for one girl to be pretty other girls must be ugly... Ya, I went there :) Really though, can't the world house beautiful women? Ya, it can. Do we need to put one girl down to lift another-nope! Appreciate both as they are, as God designed them (he knows what he's doing).
I find the comparisons silly, petty and a belief system that needs to be done away with. We aren't running out of money, of beauty or anything else to need to selectively give it to a handful of individuals. This world is an abundant place, their is plenty to go around for everyone. Always has been always will be, but acting as though some may starve so others can eat is just ridiculous and jaded. Doesn't matter what the masses think, this is truth, it's just how it is!
Thursday, January 12, 2012
“There's great value in taking months or years or the rest of your lifetime to develop yourself. Discover your goals and talents. Educate yourself. Improve your body, mind and spirit for God so you can more effectively help and bless others, or do it so you will be more attractive to the opposite sex.”
Life is a Virtual Reality
I am very aware of the bigger picture. Their is a lot more to this life, the world, society and the universe than we can even comprehend.
I'll say it like this. Imagine you are playing a video game, in the video game is a little avatar you. You sit down and play the game. You begin playing it so much that one day while playing, you take your avatar to work and your boss yells at you. He tells you you are worthless, lazy and a terrible person. The avatar cries but you cry as well. It is only a game but you have become so connected to it that you now mistake it for your reality. .
This is what happens when we only look at one aspect of ourself. We have a mind, a body, a spirit, a soul. If we purely look at one aspect and fail to see ourselves as a whole, We are blinded by what is actually going on because we are not capable of seeing the big picture.
Big Picture. We are intelligent, beautiful, talented people. Every one of us has a reason for existence, we bring a different flavor to the table. Just being you is incredible. You are the only one. By doing absolutely nothing on your part you were born a unique individual with gifts that only you can offer to the world. You have your own perspectives to give and these differences are what make the world an amazing place. No need to conform, simply to allow yourself to be just as you are.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Re-Cap of 2011
I feel so grateful to be alive. This has been such an incredible year. I have had my ups and downs. 2011 seemed to only know the extremes when it came to me and life. I was either fabulous or terrible no in betweens. The year started off with some tragic losses. I lost loved ones, I felt very depressed and not myself well it got even worse. The first 5 months were rough. No complaints, it just is what it is and it sucked. No harm in being honest, right?
Then because of the bad times I decided something had to change, well practically that everything had to change. So, I did it! I actually managed to pick up the pieces of my life and to put me back together. Once I did that (which wasn't easy, trust me!), I realized wait I gotta know what direction I want the newly gathered me to go in. I had no idea exactly where I wanted to end up because quite frankly I wasn't in a good enough place to know where to go. All I did know, is that I would know when I got there because it would be so different of a place that I couldn't think it up a few months ago.
Well, it was the tough that got me going. After working to change every aspect of my life, the coolest things started happening. Miracles. Everything felt like a miracle, like it was my first time experiencing life and it couldn't feel sweeter. I love more than I was ever capable, I trust, I forgive, I go with the flow of life! If someone would have told me at the beginning of 2011 I would be where I am now I wouldn't have believed them. It was the impossible, my everest. I can't help but smile as I write this because, I can't believe I did it. 2011 was a year for transitioning, it wasn't comfortable but wow, was it worth it!
It wasn't all done by me, I had plenty of Heavenly Help. It would have been impossible without our Heavenly Parents! I am eternally grateful for them and I love them dearly.
Never thought I'd say this because it was Hell but, there is no doubt it's been the most meaningful year of my life. By far the most difficult and the most rewarding! Here's 2011... Cheers!
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