Wednesday, June 1, 2011

People Need Love Most When They Are The Hardest To Love

Because of you, I have you....

Lovely thought.  You yourself are a gift to all those you meet, constantly offering up new ideas, changing perspectives and refreshing spontaneity.  Because we all see so differently in our own lives based on our experiences, backgrounds, religion, people we encounter... and then forms you.  Your lessons teach you, mold you, refine you.  Ruin is a beautiful gift we are allowed. Ruin is the road to transformation.  

Being born, brought to life we begin to become that special person, we grow, learn, love and we don't do it perfectly, we aren't supposed to. At least that is my belief.  The trick is to find order in chaos, love in those you hate, to forgive the unthinkable, to go through hell and still see all the beauty around you.  Give humans credit, all of em.  I believe at any given time people are doing the best they know how.  Maybe to some it isn't enough because they know a better way to handle life, when you find that in your mind, follow it up with the ever constant reminder; If you know something that could ease someones pain, pass it on to them.  Don't judge. Love instead, join those that struggle and help them to see what you see, help them be okay. People get so used to things the way they are, even if they are bad.  People have a hard time with change.  People kind of give up and when they do everyone loses.  People are scared of something good.  It's hard, you have to keep an eye on them because people don't always know what they need.  A person can fix a person.

See life for what it is, humans for what they are.  Simply Love. Love, cherish, appreciate, give, and love yourself enough to receive it!  Stop asking what people can do for you, they have done plenty if they have already given you the gift of their presence.  Stop thinking you need to do anything but be yourself.   The only thing you can do to cheapen your existence would be to deny the world of you by being someone your aren't.  

Avoid the temptation to place a persons worth  on vanity.  How much money they have, how good do they look, how appealing are they to the worlds eye, how much fun will they give me, how will they entertain me.  We pressure ourselves to fulfill these requirements and base our self worth on it.  Silly really, it's like diamonds wishing to sparkle and be awed at not realizing they already are sparkling, beautiful, breathe taking diamonds, simply by being.  Just as you are. By this realization, you are free

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